Wednesday, July 17, 2013

     I did it! Ten miles! I met my son-in-law, Scott, at his house and we drove to Newburyport to walk ten miles back. It was hot and long, 94 degrees in the shade, but Scott had planted bottles of ice water at the five-mile mark, and boy, did they ever come in handy. I drank and splashed and felt like a bird in a bath! By the time we got back to North St, what was leftover felt like bath water.
     I'm not sure I'd have made it if it hadn't been for Scott. I still can't believe I walked that far. It's one thing to talk about it, but  to actually do it is something else. There were a few hills, too.  I never knew walking up hills could be that tough.  Thank you, Scott!
     Tonight I'll do some speed work, but am waiting for dusk, when it cools off a little bit. Of course, Kenny will be with me on his bike. I love that he does that.
     This Sunday will be a twelve-miler. Scott showed me how to plan it out, so that will be as much fun as finishing a long walk. I'm thinking a bike trail - no exhaust fumes. I'll try it and hope it isn't too boring. It's a great way to listen to books and get exercise. Not sure I'd do a bike trail by myself, but I'll be fine with the Ken-man!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you!!! Double digits....who's better than YOU :)
