Saturday, January 11, 2014

Goin' with the flow.

     So, there won't be any medals for me for a little while. Unfortunately, I've been sidelined with either an injury, or some kind of a problem with my hip.  Had the x-rays needed, but showed nothing.  I now have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon at the end of the month and we'll take it from there. I considered changing the title of my blog, but that felt like giving up. You see, I really want the medal, so I'm going to take my time and do whatever is needed to get healthy. What the heck would I do with all my awesome walking stuff?? 

     I'm doing some modified yoga asanas, although Lotus position is entirely out of the question! I continue to stretch and do what I can to get my heart rate up and, some strength training is working itself in there, too. I plan on making it into my eighties - without a diaper!

     I made the most delicious dish the other day, I almost ate my fingers off! I sautéed some chopped onion in a little olive oil, added some chopped kale and tossed that around for a couple of minutes and mixed it in with some hot couscous. A little sea salt and freshly ground pepper and, voila! So good, I ate a huge portion of it and took the rest to work the next day. Well, all I could think of was eating my couscous and kale, and I ate every tasty little morsel!! Oh, man. I should have taken a picture of it. I'm making it again tomorrow, so I'll post a picture when I do.

     Till then~


  1. I'm glad you aren't changing your blog title! Hopefully you get some answers soon so you can recover, restrengthen, and reframe your goals :)


  2. Thanks, honey. When I saw the medals all you guys got at the Jingle Bell Half, I felt kind of sad, but I'm sure there are some awesome ones out there just waiting for me!

    Love you ~ Mama
